
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Global Brand Identity: Image + Value

Sunday, October 19, 2014
What is a ‘Brand’?

A brand is an identity of a product or a service, built up by the name, slogan, logo and colour combination. Straplines define the brand and create links to the brand. The famous ‘because were worth it’ is instantly linked to L’Oreal.  Brands play with your emotion by locking you in with their straplines and logos, having ownership of a part of this brand makes you feel part of the brand and the image it portrays. Different packaging appeals to different age ranges such as Mac and Chanel makeup with its black and white shiny packaging appealing to the younger consumer. Logos and straplines become a trademark for the brand meaning they cannot be used by anyone else. They have their own story and personality making the brand different and special. Brands can be so powerful that they change society culturally. The slogan ‘You are what you buy’ is becoming more truthful through brand loyalty.
Chanel Makeup, Simple design, Classic, Monochrome. 

Brand Experience / Brand Image

To some people brand can cause an emotional change experiencing feelings, thoughts, creating images in their heads. Beliefs of superiority can be thought up even though some brands are created in the same factory as lower branded products. Attitudes and behaviors can be played with and brands use celebrities that portray a certain persona in their campaigns. L’Oreal used Cheryl Cole, as she is a likeable image. French cinema stars were used in the Dior advert to bring the brand back to its heritage.
L'Oreal Elnett Hairspray Campaign July 2014

A Brand Image exists in the minds of people and is put together from the information that is supplied to them from the brand and this creates expectations of this brand, which is then added into the Brand Image.

Brand Management

Ad agencies create the idea that the product/brand is more than its actual cost. They give the brand certain qualities and characteristics, making it special or unique.

Brand Essence – the certain descriptions that you would associate with the brand. The brand may be, classy or urban.

Brand Management  - Creating a brand and maintaining its position within the market and target audience.

Brand Recognition – The brand is widely known in the market place.

Brand and its audience

A brand is nothing without its audience; it needs them for the response to the brand.

There are three stages that the audiences take on the brand…

Opinion Formers:
These are the trend starters, they pick up on the trend and promote it through twitter, instragram for others to look at and take on board. These people are known as highly in the know and copied by many people.  – Amander Harlack, Katy Grund.
Lady Amanda Harlech at The British Fashion Awards 2013.

Early Adopters:
These take from the opinion formers and are quick on trends, down town livers, creative, and often work in the media being watched by fashion.  – Lulu Forese, Kate Moss.

Footballers Wife:
The chav’s and wags get hold of the trend and it goes down and out.

Once this process is complete the core group of consumers lose interest in the brand. The ‘Footballers wives’ have no loyalty to the brand and this can impact the sales and brand image.

An example of when the brand did not want its brand image jeopardized was at the Céline show in LFW, Kayne West was not allowed in so as not to affect the brand image. This keeps the brand identity stable and the belief of the target audience.

Brands use their audience to give them feedback on new products; they use techniques such as Flip the Fund marketing, questionnaires, panels, concepts on advertising, focus groups, they give their audience options to chose from.

Brand Identity

This is the outward appearance of a brand, its name, its logo, the visualization and products.

What is a USP? A unique selling point, it is necessary for a brand to stand out.

A brand owner needs to create longevity in its brand identity. A brand identity is how the owner wants the brand to be understood, and they want this to link to the Brand Image that is created by the consumer.

Brand Strategy & Management

1.     Core Market.
2.     Peripheral market + Brand extensions.
3.     Unrelated markets brand strategy.


Dior: Core Market – Couture

Peripheral Market – Sunglasses, Shoes, Accessories, Perfume.

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